Welcome to systemic coaching.
The first step has been taken and I am happy that you have decided to start your journey to personal development.
Together we will work to define your goals, overcome challenges and unlock your full potential.
I will accompany you on this journey in a trusting and supportive environment. Let's take the first step towards your personal growth together: discover your best self.
12AM Coaching provides you with the support, tools and strategies you need to create lasting change and reach the pinnacle of success.
Explore the website and find out more.
Yours, Arne v. Spreckelsen
Cert. Psychological Counselor, certified Mediator according to the German Mediation Act, certified. Systemic Coach
Fully awake.
Not woke.
Chi Chi and Fou Fou.
A New Beginning.
Your MPU preparation
Exclusive and individual mentoring.
Prepare professionally for your medical-psychological examination (MPU), conveniently and individually in our online coaching. With your own coach by your side and in all aspects of MPU preparation, whether it's points, alcohol or BTM. Get the support and expertise you need to be successful and get your driving license back. Start your path to a new chapter of mobility and independence now.
Staying on course again: Contents of your MPU preparation
Professional preparation for the medical-psychological examination (MPU) includes a range of content and focuses to ensure that you are optimally prepared for the exam.
1. Information about the MPU process: You will receive a comprehensive explanation of the entire MPU process, including the different phases and examination areas.
2. Analysis of the personal situation: Individual analysis of the personal reasons for the MPU application as well as the specific circumstances of the driving license revocation.
3. Reflection on the misconduct: Honest reflection on the misconduct that led to the driver's license being revoked, as well as acknowledgment of responsibility and consequences.
4. Preparation for the medical examination: Information about the medical aspects of the MPU, such as: B. the need for medical examinations and health status requirements.
5. Preparation for the psychological examination:Develop strategies to cope with stress and anxiety during psychological examinations as well as practice interview techniques and self-reflection.
6. Sustainable behavior change and prevention:Develop behavior change and prevention strategies to ensure that the misconduct that led to the license suspension does not occur again.
7. Road Safety Knowledge:Refresh road safety knowledge, including traffic rules, risk management and road hazards.
8. Empathy and communication training: Training in empathy and communication to improve the ability to understand yourself and others on the road and to communicate appropriately.
9. Dry run and simulations: Conducting dry runs and simulations to prepare participants for the various exam areas and to give them a feel for the exam process.
10. Follow-up care and support: Providing follow-up and support throughout the MPU process, including preparation for possible follow-up exams.
We offer you individual preparation in a 1:1 setting with the coach online via Microsoft Teams. Comfortably from home. Without peer pressure and therefore completely confidential.
Basic course “Points”: EUR 599 if paid in advance.
Basic course “BTM”: EUR 649 if paid in advance.
Basic course “Alcohol”: EUR 699 if paid in advance.
We would be happy to give you further information in a free preliminary consultation
Wie weise ich meine Abstinenz nach?
Während des Zeitraums des Kontrollprogramms werden Sie unvorhergesehen und in unregelmäßigen Abständen kurzfristig innerhalb von 24 Stunden per SMS zu einer Urinabgabe einbestellt. Die Urinabgabe erfolgt unter respektvoller Diskretion, allerdings immer "unter Sicht".
Bei einem Jahr Abstinenzkontrollprogramm werden in der Regel 6 Proben erwartet, bei 6 Monaten in der Regel 4 Proben.
Der Urin wird auf Abbauprodukte von verschiedenen Drogen (Cannabinoide, Kokain, Opiate, Amphetamine, Benzodiazepine, Methadon und ggf. Buprenorphin, Tilidin, Tramadol) untersucht.
Alternativen zur Urinabgabe
Haarproben werden oft als Alternative zur Urinabgabe in Abstinenzkontrollprogrammen für Betäubungsmittel (BTM) verwendet. Bei einer Haarprobe wird eine kleine Menge Haar genommen, normalerweise vom Hinterkopf, da dieser Bereich am wenigsten sichtbar ist. Diese Probe wird dann auf Rückstände von Betäubungsmitteln oder deren Metaboliten (Abbauprodukten) analysiert.
Betäubungsmittel und ihre Metaboliten bleiben über einen längeren Zeitraum im Haar nachweisbar im Vergleich zu Urinproben. Während Drogenrückstände im Urin nur für wenige Tage nachgewiesen werden können, kann eine Haarprobe den Konsum über mehrere Monate hinweg anzeigen. Dies ermöglicht eine effektivere Überwachung und Beurteilung des Fortschritts im Abstinenzkontrollprogramm .
Die Entnahme einer Haarprobe ist zuudem weniger invasiv und diskreter als die Abgabe einer Urinprobe "unter Sicht".
Alle weiteren Fragen und Hinweise zu akkreditierten Stellen zur Durchführung eines Abstinenzkontrollprogramm wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.